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Creative Exploration

We consider Group Meeting time to be a very important component of our day; because we discuss a variety of topics that includes: reviewing our material, phonics and numbers, and how our day will be like. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and would love for you to join hands in bringing your child to school at the latest 9:15am so they do not miss this important part of the day.

  • Our breakfast time in the class is from 6:30am- 8:30am. After 8:30am we start wrapping up and get ready to start our day.

  • If you are bringing your child after 8:30am, please make sure they are coming fed.

Since it is summer time, we would like to start splash day very soon. Please prepare your child to participate in splash day if you would like your child to join in this activity. Splash days will take place on Fridays. The exact start day will be soon announced.

We will also be starting share day, which is going to take place once a month on Fridays. We will notify the parents a week before. Children will be able to share their toys in the first part of the day, but will be kept in their cubbies afterwards. The items may not be expensive, valuable, or that cannot be replaced. Items may be inexpensive toys, books, family picture, etc.

This week's highlights:

  • In the art studio, the older group of children have started working and designing their boxes into houses, hot wheels garage, and castles. They have used different type of material such as: paint, buttons, sea shells, and feathers. They all seem very interested and intrigued when working on their projects.

  • In the art studio, the older group of children were able to do self-portraits. They had a picture of themselves right in front of them to look at. They used a mirror and were provided with a white paper and pencil.

  • In the classroom, the older group of children continue to be interested in creating different buildings. This week the children recreated a zoo, with different levels. They have noticed the different characteristics of the building they make such as; tall, wide/long, skinny/thin.

  • In addition, the older group of children enjoy playing in the dramatic play area. They all use their imagination to the fullest, really pretending to be the character they are in. There were many police officers, pirates, and princesses.

  • The younger group of children, were interested in learning about body parts and their function.

  • The older group of children are curious about shapes and colors and have been comparing different things in the environment that may be similar in either shape or color.

  • The children were all interested in searching for bugs outside. They used magnifying glasses, insect catchers, and insect containers to store the bugs they caught.

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